Publications and Activities


“A Turn of Events in Perspective” and “Moving in With Mom.” The Polk Street Review 2024. Community Education Arts Press. 2024. Noblesbille, IN.
“Red Rum.” Valentine’s Day For All. Noblesville Creates. February 2024. Noblesville, IN.
“moving between tomorrow.” MIND, Central Indiana Mensa. FEB 2024. Indiana.
“Rural Indiana Verse.” MIND, Central Indiana Mensa. MAR 2024. Indiana.
Reader for poetry Of Rust and Glass.
“Morning at the Painted Wall.” Colour (Issue 16). Consilience Journal. Spring, 2024. My first poem to this publication was featured.
“My Sky Blue Bike.” The Ekphrastic Review. June 2024.
Reader for poetry Booth


“the box.” Whipple, Allyson, Editor. Fractured by Cattails: Haiku Society of America 2023 Member’s Anthology. New York: Haiku Society of America. ISBN: 9781930172227
“Courage,” “I Sat With the Broken,” “My Champions,” “The Wound Nearly Killed Me.” Through Our Eyes: Poetry and Prompts. Southern Arizona Press. 2023. Sierra Vista, AZ.
“Is That My Father?” Last Stanza Poetry Journal, Issue #14: I Never Knew. Stackfreed Press. 2023.
“Watching the World.” Origami Poems Project. 2023.
“Calvin Kleins.” The Elevation Review. FEB 2023.
“Go Slow,” (The Honey in the Bones) read by Marilyn Wolf. Living Artistically with Parkinson’s: Poetry Jam 2023. Parkinson’s Community Los Angeles.
Poetry as My Lover. Edited by Marilyn Wolf, Poetry Society of Indiana. 2023. Indiana.
“I miss you, Daddy.” Father. Poetry Society of Indiana. 2023. Indiana.
“Just in Case.” Mothers. Poetry Society of Indiana. 2023. Indiana.
“Haiku-ing,” p.26; “Dancing With a Stranger,” p.32; “Bursts of Pink,” p.53. The Polk Street Review. Community Education Arts Press. 2023. Noblesville, IN.


“From the Pond,” p.13. Pebbles, Vol. 34, No. 4., Haiku SIG/Mensa. March 2022. York, PA.
“Winter Watching.” Once Upon a Winter, A Holiday Collection from the Poetry Society of Indiana. Poetry Society of Indiana, 2022. Indiana.
“Rails and Rough Hands Remembered,” p.34-35; “a senryu,” p.42; “Winter Bridge,” p.51; “Musical Inspiration,” p.60; “His Gift of Time,” p.98. The Polk Street Review. Community Education Arts Press. 2022. Noblesville, IN.
“From the Pond,” p.13. Pebbles, Vol. 34, No. 5., Haiku SIG/Mensa. May 2022. York, PA.
“ ‘Tell me a story,’ he said.” Last Stanza Poetry Journal, Issue #10: Who are You? Stackfreed Press. 2022.
“Rectangles,” p.9. Pebbles, Vol. 34, No. 6., Haiku SIG/Mensa. July 2022. York, PA.
“A Wrinkle in the Blanket.” INverse Poetry Archive. 25 AUG 2022.
“Rails and Rough Hands Remembered.” INverse Poetry Archive. 25 AUG 2022.
“In Celebration of the Death of Faeries.” INverse Poetry Archive. 25 AUG 2022.
“When I can’t get to you.” Community Education Arts Showcase Exhibit, 2022 What’s Love Got to do With It?
“The Children Who Never Were,” “A Long Story in a Few Words,” “Trees Talk Back,” “So, so Many Changes.” Community Education Arts Showcase Exhibit, 2022 Spring Fancies Online Arts Showcase Exhibit.
“Swim into the Darkness,” “Jus’ Fishin’,” “My Wealth is You.” Living Artistically with Parkinson’s: Poetry Jam 2022. Parkinson’s Community Los Angeles.
“My Wealth is You.” Living Artistically with Parkinson’s. Parkinson’s Community Los Angeles. 2022. Los Angeles.
“In Our Bed,” “Love and War,” “Parent or Lover.” Nickel Plate Arts, Valentine’s Day, Love, Lust & Poetry. 2022. Noblesville, IN.